Tea & Biscuits

Adventures of a home cook



For those who may not know, the acronym, K.I.S.S. stands for, Keep It Simple, Stupid!

It occurs to me that I got carried away with how I cook and my posts and recipes have reflected that. I had forgotten the core purpose of this blog, which is to post simple, straightforward recipes that can be mastered by the inexperienced home cook.

I make no apologies, however, for delving into food science as I explain recipes. I think it is important to understand what it is you are doing and why you are doing it. It helps to explain why some recipes may fail and how to avoid those failures in the future, thereby building the cook’s confidence. And, since success feeds upon itself, as confidence grows so does the cook’s repertoire.

My problem is not knowing when to shut up! I can write forever on the topic of food and cooking and sometimes I prattle on to such a point that the audience’s eyes will roll back. It’s something I need to work on; finding the right balance between enough information to cover what needs to be covered without writing a dissertation every time.

To make it a little easier for readers to find recipes I will create a separate page with links to posted recipes. But not today! I need to find a block of time, uninterrupted, to figure out how to do it. I’m not a super savvy techie type to whom these things are second nature. I need to muddle my way through the process.

It is October now, which in San Francisco means a short heat wave with glorious weather. I will be out enjoying that while it lasts and when it ends and the weather turns cooler, I will make the time to post more (simple) recipes and create the recipe page.

Stay tuned….

Author: kaysdad

I am a self confessed foodie and food science geek (some might even say a food snob. I wouldn't disagree). I have been interested in food all my life but, circumstances being what they were, I began to practice my craft somewhat later in life. I love to pass on the knowledge I have gained over the years to anybody willing to learn. At the same time I am always open to learning new things, and not just about food...

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